Record of Officer Decision



Goods/Services to be supplied


South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District councils to become members of Oxfordshire Greentech, Oxfordshire’s network for low carbon and cleantech companies.


Asset reference



Name of officer recommending decision


Michelle Wells, Insight and Policy Manager

Details of decision


For South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils to become founder members of Oxfordshire Greentech, Oxfordshire’s network for low carbon and cleantech companies.

The Head of Development and Regeneration to approve the commissioning of these services as a Specialist Contract under the Contract Procedure Rules paragraph143. To enter into a contract with Oxfordshire Greentech for South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils to develop a comprehensive support package for growing the low carbon economy in South and Vale.

Oxfordshire Greentech is a successful business network supporting a low carbon future for Oxfordshire. Oxfordshire Greentech will develop a comprehensive support package for growing the low carbon economy in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse, liaising closely with the Economic Development team, and delivering two to four in-depth, tailored knowledge transfer events for SMEs in South and Vale per year.

We consider that the package of support to be provided will meet the councils’ objectives. Details of the support package will be negotiated by the Economic Development Team when capacity allows, likely to be from October 2020. Membership will not commence until the first-year support package is agreed, as required by the Legal Team.

This programme of work will deliver the South and Vale Climate Emergency objectives as follows:

·         Invite local businesses to move more strongly toward a low carbon economy and support local businesses wherever possible.

·         Support and inspire local businesses to act through developing and compiling a portfolio of project examples, business events and resources

The value of the contract across both councils is £15,000. The resource commitment for South Oxfordshire District Council will be £2,500 per year (£7,500 over three years). The resource commitment for the Vale of White Horse District Council will be £2,500 per year (£7,500 over three years).


Details of authority to make decision and required consultee(s)

The year one Climate Emergency Work Programme was approved by South Oxfordshire District Council Cabinet on 30 January 2020 and the Vale of White Horse District Council Cabinet on 2 February 2020.


Both Cabinets gave their support to the climate emergency work programmes, and in the later budget discussions, both Cabinets allocated the requested budgets for this work.  


Under Delegations to Chief Executive and Heads of Service under part 6 Contractual and Financial Matters:

6.1 To take any action authorised by the council’s contracts procedure rules and any financial rules and procedures.

6.3 To sign on the council’s behalf any contract for works, good or services.

Pursuant to this delegation the authority of the Head of Service is requested.



Furthermore, the contract may be approved by or on behalf of the Council without seeking quotations or tenders if there are special circumstances justifying an exception.  This is considered to be a Specialist contract as Oxfordshire Greentech is the only local business network of its nature, focusing on the low carbon economy. Participation in Greentech events and activities, and the creation of bespoke initiatives for the councils through the umbrella of Greentech, is thought to be the most cost-effective way of reaching and influencing businesses across our districts.  Therefore it is requested that the Head of Development and Regeneration whom is the relevant Head of Service approves the commissioning of these services as a Specialist Contract under the  Contract Procedure Rules paragraph143 which states that ‘If the supplies/goods, services or works are of such a specialist nature that quotations or tenders cannot be obtained or can only be obtained from fewer contractors than normally required by contracts procedure rules or, can only be purchased under a trade name or description or, in the case of professional services, e.g. the use of barristers or external solicitors where a particular individual or firm has specialist expertise in the field and the head of service is satisfied that value for money will be provided in all the circumstances’.



Background and reasons for recommending decision

Oxfordshire Greentech is a business network supporting the growth of the low-carbon sector in Oxfordshire. It brings together businesses and organisations to encourage innovation, collaboration and knowledge transfer, to facilitate the transition towards a sustainable, low carbon future.

Oxfordshire Greentech is part of the OxFutures programme, which is a £3.2m project to boost low carbon economic development in Oxfordshire. It is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Existing partners include Low Carbon Hub, Cherwell District Council, Oxford City Council, the University of Oxford, and Oxford Brookes University.

Oxfordshire Greentech aims are:

  • Create jobs and economic growth by promoting Oxfordshire as a centre for low-carbon solutions.
  • Support local organisations to develop services and products that enable low-carbon, resilient lifestyles.
  • Facilitate cross-sector collaborations through a forum for innovation and partnership-working.
  • Provide a platform for our members to showcase how they are creating a low-carbon, sustainable world

The agreement will be with Oxfordshire Greentech Ltd which is a standalone limited company. Bioregional is one of the founding partners of the network and leads on the running and resourcing of Oxfordshire Greentech (alongside the two others founding partners, Cherwell DC and Cambridge Cleantech)

Bioregional is a charity and social enterprise which works with partners to create a better, more sustainable way to live. Bioregional already has considerable experience of working with Oxfordshire councils on sustainability and climate emergency projects and have a strong reputation in the local area.

This decision is believed to represent best value for the councils as Oxfordshire Greentech is the only local business network of its nature, focusing on the low carbon economy. Participation in Greentech events and activities, and the creation of bespoke initiatives for the councils through the umbrella of Greentech, is thought to be the most cost-effective way of reaching and influencing businesses across our districts. Oxfordshire Greentech will liaise closely with the councils’ Economic Development Team.


Risks to council in proceeding with recommended decision

The risks of proceeding with the recommended course of action are minimal.  The main risk would be that the company do not perform the contract satisfactorily.  This risk should be mitigated by effective contract management of the contractor going forward which will de done collaboratively between the councils’ Economic Development Team and the Insight and Policy team.  


There are no obligations placed on the councils by becoming members of Oxfordshire Greentech. Oxfordshire Greentech offers members a range of benefits that members can take advantage of if they choose. 


A risk assessment will be carried out when the detailed support package is finalised.

Alternative options rejected, or other relevant considerations not dealt with above

The alternative option available would be for the Economic Development Team to independently commission and deliver low carbon business events and initiatives. It is expected that it would be more expensive to do this alone rather than in partnership with other councils and the Oxford universities. In addition, the Economic Development Team do not have specific expertise in delivering initiatives to support the low carbon agenda.

Financial implications

The budget for these works is included in the Climate Emergency Work Programme.

Legal implications

There is no formal paperwork or contract signing to become a member of Oxfordshire Greentech. The councils are required to provide contact details (organisation name, registered company address, the name of the employee who will be the organisation's point of contact for any future interactions about membership, email address) We then receive an invoice for the membership at founder membership level. Greentech request a council logo and short intro to the organisation for their website and publicity.  We will check at the time of joining whether the councils are able to meet this request.


The agreement is with Oxfordshire Greentech Ltd which is a standalone limited company. Bioregional is one of the founding partners of the network and leads on the running and resourcing of Oxfordshire Greentech (alongside the two others founding partners, Cherwell DC and Cambridge Cleantech)


The contract terms and conditions for engaging this service will be produced by the internal legal team.

Legal comments

Consultee: Sarah Salotra


1) please confirm that it is acceptable to use a shared delegated authority form

2) due to the value of the contract over £10,000 and the specialist nature of the contract it will not be appropriate to use the councils’ standard purchase order terms and conditions

3) what type of membership is being proposed

4) please clarify what obligations are placed on the council by becoming a member

5) please clarify the relationship between Bioregional and Greentech

6) please clarify the process for becoming a member of Greentech

7) please provide further explanation why this is a specialist contract for which an exemption is required

8) please confirm that details of the support package will be agreed before entering into the contract

9) please set out when a risk assessment will be undertaken   

10) we will need to check at the time of joining whether the council can provide publicity for the Greentech website as requested


All the above comments have been incorporated into this delegated authority document.

Proposed action plan assuming grant of authority

For the Head of Development and Regeneration to authorise the appointment of Bioregional to develop a comprehensive support package for growing the low carbon economy in South Oxfordshire and the Vale of White Horse through membership of Oxfordshire Greentech.


Agreed by Council’s
Head of Service




Suzanne Malcolm

